31-Jul-09 ( Friday)
We,(every1 from CPS till Yeori's Gang abt 20-30 ppls)~~ had a pre-celebration party for Mazzy-3 whose 21st birthday is falled on 02 August (Sun)!!

Let the pics below tell u....
How FUN & Excited
How memorable we've tried to present for Mazzy-3 in her 21st "Transition-stage"吧!!

3 个八月寿星,一起庆生d 温馨画面

哇,超感动的样子,so Sweet leh....
*ps: 这21朵纸玫瑰,是一位男性朋友不知熬了多少夜,忙里抽闲,为Mazzy-3花尽心思的礼物叻~~
不晓得,我日后的男朋友会不会也有这些浪漫的Factor leh?=)
气球整“星 ”大战 。。。超有趣,挺好玩的
青春就如烟花一样, 灿烂的时光很短暂,
在人生的道路里,你呀。。。才刚刚的启程而已叻, 要好好加油哦=)
waaaa!!! Mazzy-1, you r amazing leh... tis is another surprise la!!! thankxx =D
ReplyDeletehehe.. i m sure he oso got tat factor wan, nx time u sure wil sweet until cooking no need add sugar... XD