Monday, October 12, 2009

春夏的季节。。。Spring into Summer

Spring Feast * Balloon*

* *很多人都以为,在西方国家现在必定是秋冬的季节** ... Sep-Dec is Autum-Winter season , a prevailling view in most people about Western country~~

**其实,身在南半球的我们,现在是春天哦~~ In fact, in Sourthern hemisphere where Mazzys' are located, is in Spring now o~~

~~微风凉凉的,以及适中的温度, 的确是四季里,最美好的季节咯 =)
Breeze with the mild & nice weather( temperature), not to mention, it is the nicest season LOL!!

~~前几天,刚和一班死党去了大学历年都会举办的春季食物嘉年华会 (*o*)
A couple of days ago, went to the annually spring feast organized by UWA with buddies~~

~~里头卖的食物,大部份以亚洲食物居多, 价格也比平时贵, Those scrumptious food, sold in there was mainly Asian style, quite expensive though~~

**但,我们还是买了满多的,吃得好饱噢!!全都怪,谜紫们真的超爱吃的咯 >.< 哈哈 :P But, we still indulge in it and eat till very FULL, Mazzys are foodies for sure lol!! Geez... **有时候,真的该让自己松弛一下嘛!! Sometimes, is really essential for us to devote some time to ourselves 。。。。hehe:)

Such fond memories be together with each other...B.U.D.D.I.E.S

啊,原来,我真的好珍惜与你们同在的日子, 四粒气球就能把我们这6 个大学生返回童年,玩得不亦乐乎 :)
boy, i do miss every single moment spent with U all.... 4 balloons cheer up our nights (∩-∩)

I'm anticipating the arrival of November... a month with lots of birthday celebrations...I love being able to help in any ways... planning.. organizing...Blank out of idea in thinking for the b'dae present... it's just so much fun!!!

Oh gosh, SUMMErr is coming soon....the hottest country it can ever be, with 40 degree...sigh:(

Right now, I just can't wait for SWOT to be here... albeit I can foresee myself staying up most of the nights to rush all my Lectopia, however....finish exam will be time for me to say good bye to this Kangaroo country, yay!!

ღღMaZの しiFe ღღ

Saturday, October 3, 2009

CPS bacteria, Broadway Virus....

CCP October 3, 2009, 9.54p.m

Really can't looking down at "MICROorganism"....
They are small, tiny , which can't be view by our naked eye,
But yet, the effects and infection that they can really significant ~~

And now, the whole CPS, 8 incidents have been reported by both journalists,Ms. Rice & Mr. Oric in today's West Australian MSN paper. Victims included: William, Samuel, Oric, Kah wai, Sky, Ryan, Sin and me...

This nasty, and superbug (higgle resistance) bacteria was known as "CPS-EHEC(enterohemorrhagic E. coli) bacteria", by UWA microbiologists, Mazzys' & Prof. William. EHEC strains of E. coli (O157:H7) produce several cytotoxins that provoke fluid secretion in diarrhea. It could give rises to the symptoms such as watery diarrhea, in every 5 mins interval & the body innate defense mechansim can be activated from immediate response (0-4hrs) tills early induced ( 4-96hrs).

So far, there has no case in showing the innate defense mechansim has been bypass and adaptive immunity is not been required in this stage.

In addition, a new strain of virus has been identified by Prof. Steven, who travelling from the coastal area on Albany, Western Australia in the research field trip a couple of weeks ago. "This virus known as "EMO virus", whoever get infected by this virus, neurogical system, behaviours will be distruped deliberately, consequencely, with huge mood swing and emotional reflected in individuals," he told CCP in the news conference.

"EMO virus", is a ds-DNA virus, and Prof.Steven signify the uniqueness of this virus through his variety of life experiment. Apparently, most people will be under asymptomatically and live life long in the body without causing any significant effect unless it has been "reactivated" by other stimulus. As we all know, virus can be virtually trasmitted through MSN/Net unlike the mode of transmission in bacteria which required the close contact.

On a major faultline on the volatile "Microorganism" that scientists have long warned was a disaster waiting to happen.

Friday, October 2, 2009

友情的种子~~Friendship Seed




来自不同国度, 对着不同肤色的人,


人性百态,也因此,丰富了我的人生色彩 :)

也在不知名的化学成份, 光合作用的配合下,






我呢,是永远都坚信, 经得起考验的友谊会更稳固!!

此刻的我, 真的很想衷心谢谢一直“疼爱”我的朋友们,



真的好高兴, 看到这颗“友情的小茅苗”


ღღMaZの しiFe ღღ

Be responsible and frank in handling things & treating people sincerely is what i always stayed believe in ~~
No strategy, no tactic,
with just a simple heart, warm smile and optimistic way of thinking,,,,
Bring it along to this reality world,

Come across with a variety of people,
from different country, races, religion and etc..

staying under the same roof in part of of this mother land,

Conquer with the langauge barrier,

Its has all come to enlighten me & colour my wonderful maze life~~

Wonder if is because of this me,
Secretly having such plenty of "Twinkily" magical freindship seed with me
Plough "It" accidentally in every path I've imprinted,
with unknown chemical substance, with the aid of photosynthesis,
Footprinted step in every part of this world...

And yet now "It" has grown up...,

Process is handcuff and not easy to get through albeit,
Storming, quarrel, furious in nitty-gritty things,
Yet, all be waited and face through with the sunny day and rainbow after each storm & rain
Having said that, a Believe and passionate to treasure every single friendship
was the key factors for stronger friendship 4ever!!

Thanks for all peers, friends,buddies showering me your love
Your pampered, concern, tolerance embraced me,
Blissed out with your sincerity, faithfulness, kindness lend me a hand in what sort over,
"A friend in need, is a friend indeed"...
Is definetely no lie about that & I'll always remember that till life long for sure :)

Gracefully in spotting all these " Friendship pteridosperm" growing up day by day

And the seedbeds in everywhere, anytime ....Yay!!