Sunday, August 9, 2009

Breast Cancer :)

Doing an assignment for Human Reproductive Biology, and I simply just wanted to say that, this subject is really AMAZING~~

And just want to share some knowledge with U all :)

As we know, estrogen is the normal hormone in women, but did U know.....
a) PLASTIC ( bottle, food container etc...)
b) Cosmetic & personal care product (Chemical name: Parebens, placental extracts, Bensophenones)
c) Detergents & electronic stuff ( lead, caranium etc...)

All the product that you may used everyday can add up and work together to signal the breast cell to divide and multiply.

Today, tommorow and the rest of your life, causing changes over time that increase the risk getting breast cancer!!

What you do today can make a difference, because U can make the choice:
1. Avoid microwave your food inplastic container, use ceramic/glass bowl instead =)
2. No more Plastic bottle pls...stainless steel water bottle,k? :P

What goes in your body is really MATTERS :)

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