Saturday, August 22, 2009

一字之差。。。 1 Word different~~

"Anger" vs " Danger"

- 真所谓:“病从口入,祸从口出。。。 ”
曾有专家说:“人, 在面对外人时,总是可以表现得宽容,但面对自己最亲的人时,却往往因为一点小事,就大发雷霆,甚至,出言重伤彼此。 ”
这就好比如:“你永远只会对你最爱,或最亲的人发脾气,但你一定不会对你的上司,老板生气!! ”
所以说呢? 人真的是所谓的“出门高IQ, 回家低EQ 的动物吗? “哈哈=)


" Stressed" vs "Desserts"

If you smart enough, u should know that, " stressed" can be read as "Desserts" from right to left.
Interesting isn't it? So, have u figured out what's the hidden message about it yet?
-Stressed is just desserts if you can reverse =)
In life, we may encountered lots of " tension, obstacles etc..."
But If you are able to step out, view the same problems from different point of views, thinking out of the box, that's become "Life's Desserts" isn't it (*.*)!!

Somebody told me before that, life is just like a bowl of rice, half of it is sweet, and the other half is bitter, U'll never know which part will u getting to taste first, However, for sure, is that, we've to finish that bowl of rice without wasting it.

That's really symbolize a LIFE Journey~~ which full with 4 different senses( sweet memory, bitter and sour hardship, as well as spicy challenges...)
But yet, we still have to "Go through it, overcome it, by not wasting ur wonderful LIFE"!!

如果你也有什么好玩版的“一字之差 ”

If you do have more to share, feel free to drop by in our comment page,
Let us "discover" ur despicable idea in " 1 Word Different"~~

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