Team 10....Rockzzzzzz=)
Times Up....2 p.m sharp!!
Submitted the report, it has really comes to the conclusion for my ANHB 3313- Tasmania Devil's Eyes final year project....
I'm really going to miss this GRP 10 .....~~ Is really has been a pleasure journey to work with you all as a team in this " Funny but Interesting" Project...
Flashed back the "Memory diaries" , is really not hard to find every steps we have gone through together start from every "struggling, headache, disappointment, working together, commitment, and finally is good team presentation..." =)
Is really too much to feel but too less the word can be described, isn't it? Really out of everyone expectation...our team score the highest mark 9.1/10 for the presentation...UNBELIEVABLE~~
With only done with the compilation of ppt slides the day before seminar presentation, with no rehearsal at all, but yet...we did a GREAT job...I'm amaze, our TEAM spirit, TEAM power....
I feel really honoured to be part of this team, Grp 10 , ROCKSssssssss, yay!!
*Ewan ( A handsome guy with his charming blue eyes) -U simply make our " project" lively, b'coz of ur eyes? =)
**Stephan( Engineering with science double degree Smart guy)- A very reliable guy which is the 1st engineering student that I met with no typical engeering mind?
***Jun Jun( Pretty gal with so much good charactheristic....) - A gal that simply can't find her bad characther @ all, me as a gal, feel really really not compatible to be declared as gal at all, if you find Jun Jun is just a "normal" gal...haha!! If I got elder brother, or got good male friends want to find a good gal friend or good wife...I definetely highly recomend her to U lol....this type of gal, I guess is already " extinct" in the world....she is the only 1 guys, what r u still waiting for?
*Love u my Dear Tazzieeeeeeee grp ;)*
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