Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Mel trip

^^ v r flying to the endemic city in jus 4 hours...

although the weather forecast predicted there wil b storm coming up
although v r 冒着 a bit 生命危险 to tat city

I stil feel really excited!!!

to the other two mazzy, I really treasure every single moment wit u guys, this is jus so lucky to meet the 'click' (ngam key) friends in a foreign country

i knoe the hard time havent end yet, but lets us take a break, take a fully crazy break =)

and 10 years, 20 years, n years fr now, v shall stil remember tis ''所有甜酸苦辣的回忆''

1 comment:

  1. YES!!! Dat's right~~

    This is our LONG WAITED trip, and definetely must ENJOY ourselves the most to CLAIM back our CHIONg-ing day during the semester=)

    Leave a Memorable Experience in MElbourne, cool
