Sunday, July 26, 2009



Look @ what U are doing?

U should BE studying?!~~

* Thank U to spend ur precious busy time dropping by here, reading this, Haha!! =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


我刚刚看了些关于赵明福的新闻。天,这实在是太疯了!好好地一个人,隔天就要注册结婚了,莫名其妙的在反贪委员会的地方离奇坠楼死亡。haiz 心真的很寒。


我有一个housemate她是哥伦比亚人,她那里的政局也是有点乱。政府一直在做表面功夫,内部是腐败到发臭了。让我来写一写那时候她告诉我,让我最震惊的事。话说哥伦比亚是世界有名的贩毒中心,在他们的森林里,有着种植毒品的集团。新的政府上任后,频频逮捕到一班又一班的毒贩,他们现场就抢杀掉那些毒贩了。那个year end数据很漂亮,也显示警方做事效率很好。殊不知,这些都是局。一个出生贫穷没有什么学历的二十来岁年轻人想找工赚钱,有人就告诉他某某地方有工作,当他到了那里后,所谓的好警察就杀了他们然后把他们的衣服换成毒品的集团的制服,然后风风光光的告诉媒体他们又成功了。死无对证。草菅人命。有外国媒体去访问那些无故失踪年轻人的父母,那母亲一直在哭,我的孩子失踪那天早上,说他找到了一份工,但那天后,他就没回来了。



哦,还有一样事,最近印尼boom boom的事,那个白痴竟然是马来西亚人,walao 害群之马!

Friday, July 17, 2009


所以呢,3 个谜紫就与 一班好友们在Cockburn Ice-Arena 溜冰场上,以冰来为我们完美的冬季暑假画上美丽的句点=)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

more Jokes

Wharton: Could I book a table for two at one o'clock please?
Waiter: Yes. What is ur name please?
Wharton: Mr Wharton.
Waiter: Mr Slought-tron?
Wharton: No, no. Wharton. W.H.A.R.T.O.N.
Waiter: OK... Mr Slingpon.
Wharton: No. W...H...A...R...T...O...N.
Waiter: Yes Mr Trorfron.
Wharton: Smith. Smith will do.
Waiter: OK. Mr Smith, see you at one o'clock.

(Cite: The West Australian Newspaper)


Below 2 jokes happen as we (my landlady, landlord, housemate n myself) having dinner tonight.

landlady (A)
landlord (D)
housemate (F)
myself (Y)

landlady: F, Y, we will be away for two weeks in the coming early Sept.
housemate and I: (nod) ok ^^
landlady: Then D(landlord) wil b away for another 1 week in the end of Sept... (happy sigh) Finally there come a REST for three of us! ^^


housemate, me and my landlady: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA....


housemate: Last night I went to watch Coco Chanel(movie) in Windsor Cinema.
landlady: what wind surf??
housemate: Windsor cinema in nedland.
landlady: o, Windsor cinema.
housemate: ya =)
landlady: We used to watch movie at that place when we are children ^^.
housemate: ya that cinema is quite old.
landlady: mmm... Is not tat OLD, isnt it?!!!
myself thinking (opps!!!) n housemate n I looked to each other, hahhahahahahahahha.
me: not tat old.
housemate: ya tat building is not old.

hahahhahahahhahahah (I add it for you in case you r not laughing)...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

“缘” 定于~ Australia~


曲柏街小学创办人 -->Murphy

-多谢你在考试期间,时不时地" MSN distrub, Nudge etc..."一直都在为我们加油,舒缓压力。。。

曲柏街小学, 1A班--> Ryan

-谢谢你,永远都不会对我们任何一个Party, say "NO",也因有你,Party先能够High起来!!

曲柏街小学, 1B班--> Oric

-永永远远都是“趴地”的主事者,不论是你心甘,还是情不愿, 都是注定为我们搞Party 呵咯~

曲柏街小学, 2A班--> Steven

-考试时, 一直担心Invertebrate过不了。。。最后,还不是"Vertebrate"了吗? 哈哈!!所以呀, 别再那么大声"说 话“了。。。哦,还是你有喝醉了?

曲柏街小学, 2B班--> Joey

-Most innocent victim under the "Drunk" Housemate :P

Pity ur cheek & face always been pitched, no way can run, no one can be ur " blocker" because U all stay under the same roof, LOL~~@.@

曲柏街小学, 3A班--> Samuel

-Party 里不可缺少的即兴及他创作者

曲柏街小学, 3B班--> FM

-谢谢你把所有对谜紫们的期望,考试时,给于的勇气,以并寄予"减压方法"里的图片,send 给我们,为我们加油打气!!!!

曲柏街小学, 4A班--> William


曲柏街小学, 4B班--> Fai

-永远都是我们玩,你替我们收拾“肮脏"的残局 :P

曲柏街小学, 5B班--> Jason

-整村人,每次都"祈祷" 希望你别喝醉,而当你喝醉时,满脸通红,永远都会说: "我没醉", 有这么一个的“PK" 朋友,这已经足够 @-@!!

*Ps: PK=play king

曲柏街小学, 6B班--> Kah Wai

-Domino Pizza, 极品宵夜,与我们一起为了无数的考试,熬夜到天明....

Thanks Jeat for your posted song from 徐佳滢 in your blog:





A song that has always been played in head to calm self down during the exam period =)

安家的100个“同”话故事™ ©
每一则别出心栽的故事,在考试期间,的确成了我们考试其间,不折不扣的"Stress Breakthrough Channel", 犹如,一个小小的“休息站"让谜紫们,充电以继续保持最佳状态, 面对考试 =)


谢谢“缘”让我们彼此相识,伴我们三个谜紫们一起走过岁月里的风风雨雨,酸甜苦辣的经历,只因有你们,才让它成为了回味无穷的故事 :)

Mel trip

^^ v r flying to the endemic city in jus 4 hours...

although the weather forecast predicted there wil b storm coming up
although v r 冒着 a bit 生命危险 to tat city

I stil feel really excited!!!

to the other two mazzy, I really treasure every single moment wit u guys, this is jus so lucky to meet the 'click' (ngam key) friends in a foreign country

i knoe the hard time havent end yet, but lets us take a break, take a fully crazy break =)

and 10 years, 20 years, n years fr now, v shall stil remember tis ''所有甜酸苦辣的回忆''