Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Number number everywhere...

WTH!!! How come I din take down the info...

this is my 96 well reading fr bioc lab(4 weeks ago)...
Is number number NUMBER everywhere!!!

n now i jus realized tat i dunno which row is for which solution... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... god save me!!! so much disaster since i attend the labs of this unit. First was i throw out the solution tat i needed for the nx day, then was i din get any result fr my PCR. Wat happen next??!! was i accidentally pipette too many drops of alkali into the solution, jus a few drops more, the pH zoom uppppPPP... =_=''' NOW, i din take down the dilution factor and the related solution for the related well.. my goodness.. ahhhhhhhhhhhh.... how am i suppose to write for my lab book and lab report... seriously I m really not a proper science student, bioc ah bioc ah, i wan to tell u,

你想要的 我却不能够给你我全部 我能给的 却又不是你想要拥有的 我们不适合 也不想认输 好几次我们抱着彼此都是想要哭
everytime after bioc lab, my brain n heart cell jus massively die out... normally i need to sleep for extra 5 hours to compensate it but... forget it...
jus like mazzy-2 said, ''I will get through, I will survive"
Ya, I will get through n I will survive! face it n solve it... hopefully... tada^^

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