Monday, April 27, 2009
Brain dead
Saturday, April 25, 2009
jus wan 5 minutes away fr my assignment
please give me my professor brain. I wil only need it for answering the ques in this dumb assignment. After tat, I wil return his brain. ok?
after this sem, i mus go for a holiday, i mus go somewhere. Away fr UWA. Shut down my poor brain. Regenerate my brain cell.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The make up Number 2 ( eyes )
i will try my best to do the description.....
This is the before photo...
the end product should b somthing like this..
2) using the pencil eyeliner draw a thicker line, if after tt u still see whites draw an inner eye liner using the pencil eyeliner.
3) now for the eye shadow.....
this is complicated
if you wanna brush ur eye brow that is... normally there will be 2 colour from those eyebrow powder platelet.. a darker one and the lighter one.
use the darker one for the front arch and for the back tail use the lighter colour
then apply the base eye shadow normally the base is like a light one tt is closest to the skin tone out of the colours i ususally uses like sparkly brown, pinkish, ya basically the neutral colours avoid brights such as blue, green or purple for the base....
using something white or a high light colour to highlight this part of the eye. this is to make the eye looks deeper, enhance the 3d-ness of the eye..
apply fake eye lashes for more omph
Oh ya and this is the stuff tt i use....
Do U believe in love @ 1st sight or Should I walk past U again?~~
Choice matters, but we were born to experience something great & So....
Enjoy the Best possible life!!!
U r the BEST!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
一個像夏天一個像秋天 lyrics
如果不是你我不會確定 朋友比情人更懂得傾聽
我的弦外之音 我的有口無心
repeat (Chorus)
repeat (Chorus)
Number number everywhere...
The make up post on foundation and bases
start thinking about happy things like
its like a all in one thing right....

this one is the skin food aloe bb cream i am using the shade 2 la not bad also la... quite suitable for my skin oso since i have sensitive and acne prone skin cannot anyhow use one... but i think right this one has better coverage (thicker) and cheaper compare to the skin 79 other then tt i think both of them are rather similar.....
this one lousy one lor dun buy..... says oil free but use liao face very fast oily and then hor supoosedly good for acne skin i use liao break outs la and then like no effect one cause too sheer liao and so small tube not worth the price leh...not good one......
and then right actually before i apply this bb cream la after all my basic skincare which is toner, some medication stuff, moisturizer then sunscreen, i use make up base...
2) make up basewhat actually is make up base... i think this is like a screen to protect the face when doing make up la and then the make up can also stay on the face longer some have oil controlling properties and stuff la some can argue tt the bb cream can act as the make up base but i do double cause when i use it before my bb cream its sort of more lasting...
sana de UV base make up base damn nice got sunscreen plus cheap also lor
highly recommended by those japanese magazine leh.... i got do research one hor
3) concealer
erm this one is only important during emergency
eg. wanna go on a dating but then
oh no pimple on the face sians red and ugly wat to do.. use concealer lor
the bodyshop tea tree concealer not bad la can use on pimple lor cos got tea tree oil ma so wun aggregate the skin condition.... but then only available in 2 shades sians hor what if the colour dun suit ur face right......

4) foundations
i got like 3 types of foundation now, the liquid foundation, 2 way cake and the mineral powder.....
the liquid foundation tt i am using now got 2 one is the maybelline angelfit foundation i think this one feels really light and natural la can use one erm plus feels light and very the texture very much not very thick like that then the other one is the averine one recommended by my cousin la the texture also quite light and plus non comedogenic, so doesn't clog pores and plus when u apply it on the face it feels quite cooling but abit towards the ex side la....
then 2 way cake i am using the ZA one its thick, but i think among the 2 way cakes i have used its still one of the best :)

for the mineral powder am currently using the maybelline one..... tried it love it :) the texture is quite natural even though i put on quite alot... plus its really quite easy to apply.
jus swirl it in the powder tap tap and then appply only...5)loose powder
last but not least item...

Monday, April 20, 2009
The study week
(start singing!!!!!)
On the first day of study week i went to my fren house
after work to drink, kapo and eat
on the second day of study week i stay at home
drink,kapo,eat n clear up my very messy room
on the third day of study week i went to find a fren
drink, kapo, eat, clear messy rm n watch movie n drink alittle bit
on the fourth day of study week i sleep for the whole day
drink, kapo, eat, clear messy rm (nw still very messy), watch movie n drink a little bit
on the fifth day of study week i when to rottnest
cycle till leg break, slp whole day, eat, kapo, drink, clear messy rm, watch movie n drink a little bit....
on the sixth day of study week feel really energetic
no leg pain, went to sch for project, slp whole day eat, kapo, drink, clear messy rm, watch movie n drink jus a little bit.....
on the 7th day of study week i dunnoe i hab work
manager call me, rush to work, cycle till leg break but no leg pain, went sch for project, slp whole day, eat, kapo ,drink , clear messy rm, watch movie n drink a little bit
on the 8th day of study week i gan zhiong like spider
essay need to do, haben do lab report, manager call me, rush to work, cycle till leg break but no leg pain, went sch for project, slp whole day,eat,kapo,drink, clear messy rm watch movie n drink a little bit
the 9th day of study week is the last day
still rushing essay
essay need to do, haben do lab report, manager call me, rush to work, cycle till leg break but no leg pain, went sch for project, slp whole day,eat,kapo,drink, clear messy rm watch movie n drink a little bit
and i still hab mood to compose song and sing!!!!!!
i think i too stress liao gg crazy
this week has been crazy
crazy crazy
so many things happen leh but but but
i will pull thru
i will survive!!!!!
so wierd i call leroy and then we talk like super cool like tt
so wierd eh so long nv tok on the phone le but machiam nothing to say like tt
why huh whY huh WHY????
ok enuff rants back to do essay
next blog shall be on doing make up.......
i wanna be make up researcher!!!!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
shouting fr my heart
aim 1: handle the extreme stress
aim 2: achieve wat i can
aim 3: let it go if i fail the mission (i can hear tears fr my heart) anyway wat can u do rite, definately not going to jump down without a rope.
GAMBATE JIA YOU stay positive... put smile on ur face...
team of mazzy... jiayou jiayou jiayou
Friday, April 10, 2009
Our Prefect Moment @ Moon's Cafe
After the whole week of Busy with projects, assignments, sleep deprieved in CHiong-ing for test, all and all...just like a "Chain-reaction cycle" with no end...
Finally....Thursday is here, everyone of us are "officially" set free from this moment onwards!!!
y? B'coz is good friday tommorow and easter + 1 week study break....(ps:got a long long holiday o~~ whoo hoo!!)
We went to the Moon's cafe @ Northbridge to celebrate this " Prefect Moment" together, chit-chat, gossip, talk crap, sharing and etc....just a nice feeling of gathering & relaxing with close friends;)
Jia you, study hard, play hard, having fun....all do it wonderful it was;)
And right now, really can't wait for Tommorow outing to "The Maze" with friends again!! Yay~~
Below are some of the pic that dessert we yummy!! Strawberry Pizza is highly recomended!!:) Strawberry pizza
Chocolate + pecan pizza
This is lemon something dessert... super yummy
jiahui =)
chiayin =)
Less than 15 minutes, this is the ''after'' photo