That evening on the same day, I had dinner with my housemates. I didn't know beforehand what kind of dinner we should have, I only know we will eat at home. So I thought may be we should all cook a dishes and have some kind of pot luck. I made green curry with rice. Haha, to the people that know me, sure you will think what, green curry again! Yea, unfortunately when I tried to think of some signature dishes from my country, I don't know any to cook to perfection, and I don't know any that can cook in a simplest way without messing up. We talked and laughed a lot during that dinner. It was really nice. And when the day, saturday was going to end, I thought to myself, the world is really big, if you didn't travel around and meet with new people, you will live with a narrow perspective only. So do take your chance to go outside, meet with people and talk with them.
To be continued. Cheers.