Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cheers =)

Today just went to shopping for food in preparing for tommorow STUDY Break Party~~

Unexpected changes, a little small thing might always affect the whole planning...

However, is the moment that we treasured, is the thoughts and feeling it counts....

I would like to thanks for everyone that taught me this "Lesson" , because I always believe, everything happend is there for a good purpose, and meant for me to learn through it...

And yeah....I'm really glad that, I have make it through(*0*)~~

Patience level increased
Understanding and forgiveness bearable
And mostly was realising the importance and precious of a FRIENDSHIP!!

Friends, thanks to be part in my life,
Every footprints that U step in...mend my heart
Every listening ears, -ve comment,argument, reflections, opinons , encouragment to me is all due to ur inituition to shower me Ur "Concern" and "Caring" into me....

Glad to have such many friends like U all :)


So, let's have a great Party tommorow, and enjoy every single moment that we can be together,
As fate in being friend is not easy, especially a " gang" of friends that able to go through thick and thin togethers;)

Mazzy's proposal for tommorow STudy Break Party .....

Impact of being as UWA STUDY break is never a Break for us at all....haha~~

Showing off how "smart" in using our knowledge that we have learnt from this University LOL:P

Have U ever feel our " Heart" ( Sincerity) le mah?


  1. UR maze Life is really interesting u all 3 girls have done a wonderful job,keep blogging.

  2. 休息是让自己走更长的路,偶尔放纵一下自己,是应该的~~~

  3. 'Everything happend is there for a good purpose, and meant to learn through it' (Penny 2009 p.1)

    this is good leh :)

