Monday, September 21, 2009




Think Positively, Live happily!! :)

*Do remember that a smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight O~~ =)



Monday, September 14, 2009

幸福的留言。。。Bliss out on comments

* * * 1-wk study break is Over...

Is time to Start STUDY & Prepare 4 Final :P

Study...Study..yet still Studying~~

Loathe with mundane assignments, Essays, Reports, presentation, etc...
不停的在写作文,赶报告,忙课业 等等。。。

Realm of this "Wonderful Uni's life" =)

*Everything seems surreal*
一切都变得那么的不真实, 无可预计~

And seriously complacent in what We have achieved so far...

Whenever U feel "Give up" or demoralise...
当你有“想放弃”的念头 或 失去“目标" 时,

Don't forget, U will always embrace with my Cheer & or ur others friends encouragment ^0^
别忘了, 还有我为你打气,以及其他的朋友们给于你的鼓励哦!!

Bliss out on comment to "U"-->F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Gambate Kudasai (∩_∩)o..

ღღMaZの しiFe ღღ

Thursday, September 10, 2009

心静. 灵定


遇到什么压力, 快崩溃到想哭,想逃??

一定要切记:心 平 静. 灵 就 定~~



我当然知道, “过程”很艰辛啦!! 但,我们还是地“走”嘛 =)

“大学之路” 本来就不好“走”的咯~~但至少我可以确定,我们一起“熬过”, 一起分担,那你就不会被“窒息”咯~~嘿嘿 :P

Add oil yea to all UWA's students& peers...

(Mazzy, CPS, Boardway and etc...)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Field Trip.....

Study break....officially started NOW!!

What will UWAs' students normally do during this suppose to be relaxed break~~

Geography& archeology students--> Going to
Narrogin, an so called ULURU place having field trip, investigating about the "demographic" variation etc...

Marine Science students--> Go snorkeling, diving @ 'Princess Royal Harbour'(Albany) deep sea with wonderful beach sight viewing scenary, in exploring the "marine world" of WA( Western Australia)!!

Occupational Therapy students--> Study field trip up north near mining site, to massage for at least 28 mining workers per day...

Business & commerce students--> Having so much fun time enjoying the break time...resting , party-ing etc...

Engineering students--> Head scratching for thesis-writing...and formulation for motor sport:P

Architechture & landscape students--> Busy-ing in thinking of the project designing ideas etc...average 4 hrs per day for sleeping time, sigh~~

Biomedical Science students--> Sigh....all the above at least have so called "life-time", but Mazzy just have to stick 24 hrs on chair, at home listening lectopia( lecture tapped recording) + report, essay writting+ study for mid sem exam etc...haha =)

Anyway, that's all about LIFE LoL~~ different course have different way in enjoying their study break~~ Always finish with the best ma^.^

For those friends having field trip tommorow, wish u all have a safe and great trip, especially...

To Oric: Don't get STI by aboriginal there o~~

To Steven: Don't worry la, U are the life saver, even the sea is stronger than u, but i believe u still can save urself de la, haha~~ appreciate as much as u can in ur marine world during ur diving and snorkelling ya!!=)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cheers =)

Today just went to shopping for food in preparing for tommorow STUDY Break Party~~

Unexpected changes, a little small thing might always affect the whole planning...

However, is the moment that we treasured, is the thoughts and feeling it counts....

I would like to thanks for everyone that taught me this "Lesson" , because I always believe, everything happend is there for a good purpose, and meant for me to learn through it...

And yeah....I'm really glad that, I have make it through(*0*)~~

Patience level increased
Understanding and forgiveness bearable
And mostly was realising the importance and precious of a FRIENDSHIP!!

Friends, thanks to be part in my life,
Every footprints that U step in...mend my heart
Every listening ears, -ve comment,argument, reflections, opinons , encouragment to me is all due to ur inituition to shower me Ur "Concern" and "Caring" into me....

Glad to have such many friends like U all :)


So, let's have a great Party tommorow, and enjoy every single moment that we can be together,
As fate in being friend is not easy, especially a " gang" of friends that able to go through thick and thin togethers;)

Mazzy's proposal for tommorow STudy Break Party .....

Impact of being as UWA STUDY break is never a Break for us at all....haha~~

Showing off how "smart" in using our knowledge that we have learnt from this University LOL:P

Have U ever feel our " Heart" ( Sincerity) le mah?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Today's ANHB lab is simply "AMAZING"....

Watched a video, and been showed the whole process, start from the fertilization-->embryo to fetus and lastly Baby...

I was so impressed~~

BB development life time....

@ 21st day in pregnancy, our heart is starting it's 1st beating,
Formation of eye ball whereby eye was fully covered by eye lids ,
Main organs is slowly developed etc...

The MOST interesting and enjoyable part of this lab was we measured the Real BB..
Yes, they are all stillbirth( meaning that died when they been delivered, which is quite a sad case)

We have to weight the BB, measure the circumferences of head, foot length and etc...and all fetus are vary in size because of the different gestation in stage of pregancy...

Is really pretty "mixture feeling", as even the smallest stillbirth BB, is only ~ 3 wks life, all the "morphology, charactheristic like nails, toes, head structures already been formed", but yet they aren't as lucky as us been developed fully, growing healthy and been brought to LIFE now~~

Some are just dead in placental, as according to the tutor, the mum and this "stillbirth-Baby" died in a mishap ( probably car accident) at almost in the 3rd trimester( 48 wks), which is more or less the " Time" to face the WORLD, however, the chance has just been defeated.

We really shall feel honour, glad to be born healthy and giving the chance to face WORLD and experience LIFE which is not necesssary granted for every BB...

Does it ring your bells now?

Albeit the life is hard, but we shouldn't rant alot as start from the moment"U" been formed from fertilization by ur parents sperm and egg, is "URself" that have tried hard and get Ur life now :)

Take an oath, Live for today!! (*o*)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009



