Alert: Only start to read if you're really bored.
It's mazzy-3 that is writing now, I'm in Ireland at the moment and sitting in the university office preparing for tomorrow exam. While I'm scratching my head for my Biostat exam tomorrow, someone and something came bothering me.
Growing older makes me less patient. Looking at the "email/messenger", I just want to shout, "I hate stupid people!!!"
Sorry, I know I'm not the brightest, and sometimes can be as stupid as no one else can beat too, but I have just tolerate this person for too long.
Anyway, while my emotion fluctuate, I can't concentrate on reading, I want to shout but I obviously can't, am in an office with few other mature colleagues. I've decided to come up to my beloved and pretty dusted blog. The moment I want to sign in, I realized I've forgotten the password!! Just at the moment where my emotion is at the peak!! Irritating you know.
So then I returned to my study, before that I send an message to Mazzy-1 asking for help with the password haha, well it is very late for her now over at the other side of the world. While studying, suddenly my brain 'ding', here it comes, I might be remember back the password!
In the end, I tried for a few times, and congratulation (to myself)!! I got it through. I then able to write this pretty "meaningless" entry. Haha.
I'm feeling ok now :D you know why, cause I realize I will be able to drag some of "you" that read through this entry :P hahaha (evilly)